That message is printed by the Linux operating system when a background job finishes [1].  With tcsh, it doesn't look easy to suppress that message.  So I'd say the answer is No, you cannot avoid printing of that message.


On 12/28/2021 2:30 AM, SANDEEP ARORA wrote:
Sorry, but I want to know how can we avoid the printing of this part

      ( ( $remote $machine[$p] "cd $PWD;$set_OMP_NUM_THREADS;$t
    $taskset0 $exe ${def}_$loop.def ;fixerror_lapw ${def}_$loop"; rm
    -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >& .stdout1_$loop; if ( -f .stdout1_$loop
    ) bashtime2csh.pl_lapw .stdout1_$loop > .temp1_$loop; grep \%
    .temp1_$loop >> .time1_$loop; grep -v \% .temp1_$loop | perl -e
    "print stderr <STDIN>" )

In display output.
On Tue, 28 Dec 2021, 07:52 Gavin Abo, <> wrote:

                           Thanks for your help. It's working fine
    now. but why this message is printing

    The following is being printed as an informational message that
    shows that the lapw1 calculation on the first node is Done
    followed by tcsh commands the lapw1para_lapw script used for the
    parallel calculation:
     LAPW1 END
    [1]  - Done                ( ( $remote $machine[$p] "cd
    $PWD;$set_OMP_NUM_THREADS;$t $taskset0 $exe ${def}_$loop.def
    ;fixerror_lapw ${def}_$loop"; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >&
    .stdout1_$loop; if ( -f .stdout1_$loop ) bashtime2csh.pl_lapw
    .stdout1_$loop > .temp1_$loop; grep \% .temp1_$loop >>
    .time1_$loop; grep -v \% .temp1_$loop | perl -e "print stderr
    <STDIN>" )

    The following is being printed as an informational message that
    shows that the lapw1 calculation on the second node is Done
    followed by what tcsh commands the lapw1para_lapw script usedfor
    the parallel calculation:

     LAPW1 END
    [2]    Done                ( ( $remote $machine[$p] "cd
    $PWD;$set_OMP_NUM_THREADS;$t $taskset0 $exe ${def}_$loop.def
    ;fixerror_lapw ${def}_$loop"; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >&
    .stdout1_$loop; if ( -f .stdout1_$loop ) bashtime2csh.pl_lapw
    .stdout1_$loop > .temp1_$loop; grep \% .temp1_$loop >>
    .time1_$loop; grep -v \% .temp1_$loop | perl -e "print stderr
    <STDIN>" )

    The following is the timing information for the first node and
    second node on the calculation performed by lapw1:

         sandy1(4) 177.277u 2.770s 45.84 392.73%    0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
         sandy2(4) 178.460u 2.795s 49.60 365.40%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
       Summary of lapw1para:
    sandy1 k=4 user=177.277 wallclock=3143.13
    sandy2 k=4 user=178.46 wallclock=3341.4
    0.380u 0.267s 0:52.51 1.2% 0+0k 0+432io 2pf+0w

    For additional details on the timing information if of interest,
    refer to the post at [1].


    Kind Regards,

    WIEN2k user
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