
This question is not so easy to answer, since it is not so clear what kind of HPC you would "rent" (But even 2000 hours is "very little/nearly nothing").

A 60 atom cell (with "complicated atoms, LDA+U, ...") can still be run on a modern PC with 8 cores and 64 (better 128) GB RAM. A single scf calculation may take 1-10 h on this PC.

Of course such calculations run faster, when you couple a few PCs (or nodes on a HPC) together and let them work in parallel.

Much more difficult is to estimate how many such scf cycles you will have to run. This depends a lot on your skills and what you actually want to calculate. Certainly, phase transitions, entropy, ... require MANY such calculations (100 to a few 1000 ?). There is no "input switch: "Phase transition" or "entropy", you have to set up models, calculate them and derive from the results (total energies) your information. It requires quite some expertise !

I don't know what they would charge you for 2000 h on a HPC cluster, but this is just the cpu time you get from a single PC (costs 2000 US$) in 3 month. Unless you get "very good prices" (nearly for free), renting CPU hours is usually quite expensive as compared to buying your own small cluster, in particular when you go with standard PCs and not with a rack solution based on Xeon processors.

The drawback is, that you need to be able to administer the Linux installation (including network and NFS setup, ...)

For this project, I'd probably buy 4 - 8 PCs (or more, I don't know how much money you have) (latest Intel I7 or I9 processors (or whatever the numbers are now) with 8 cores, 128 GB RAM) and a good Gbit switch (unless your University provides a good network anyway). Such a cluster can then run for a couple of years (at least the life of a PhD student) providing you with more than 100000 cpu-h.

HPC systems really are needed only if you go to systems with more than 100-500 atoms/cell, where one MUST use highly parallel mpi jobs, which need several nodes and a Infiniband network. It is a waist of HPC ressources, when you use just one node of such a cluster. A single node on a HPC system is NOT faster than a modern PC !!!

Hope this helps.

Peter Blaha

Am 10.02.2022 um 10:22 schrieb Mohammed S. Mohammed:
_<#_msocom_1>Dear Wien2kMailing list users
In Egypt we are about to invest some money from a project fund to *Buy or Rent *a high performance computer to calculate the magnetic, electronic, elastic, and magnetocaloricproperties of selected rare-earth transition metal compounds to include R_2 Fe_14 B, Nd_3 Co_11 B_4 .The problem is we have to state in our request for this fund how much computerCPU usage will be required for say a 60-atom model to run. Therefore, we wantCPU requirements versus the number of atoms for Wein2k. Also need to estimatehow many times these models will need to be executed to perform the field,temperature ranges, first and second order phase transitions, magnetization, specificheat, entropy, and MCE properties i.e. the isothermal change in entropy and theadiabatic change in temperature in a wide range of magnetic fields and in atemperature range up to the Curie temperature of the studied systems.

I am not sure that we can estimate the number of flops; so far, I have not seen this type of information on the internet for wien2k. There are tools, but not clear, if there has been a paper on the subject. The issue I see is that we need to estimate how much computer time to ask for, so if we can get an estimate that would be a good idea. If they give us, 200 or 2000 hours will that, be enough to do what we want? How much computer time/gflops do we ask for?

Thank you foryour patience.

Dr / Mohammed Said M. Abu-Elmagd

Ph.D. in TheoreticalPhysics /Department of//Physics, Higher Institute of Engineering, Shourok Academy, Cairo, Egypt./

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