Dear Gavin,
Thank you for your reply, but I still get the same problem;
In the last struct file I did the supercell and added the Ti atom, but 
afterwards I did not calculated the Rmt.
Now in this struct I that I include here I did it and I get
Rmt Mo; 2.41, S; 1.78, Ti; 2.07

Then with "init" I get this message
next is kgen
>   kgen (17:33:38) forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 20, file 
> /home/pablo/WIEN2k/MoS2-Ti/MoS2-Ti.struct
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
kgen               000000000045C74B  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
kgen               0000000000425E78  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
kgen               00000000004047B5  MAIN__                    195  main.f
kgen               00000000004041B2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       00001500989F3431  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
kgen               00000000004040AA  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
0.001u 0.000s 0:00.00 0.0% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
error: command   /home/Programas/WIEN2k-19.1/kgen kgen.def   failed
 \n stop error \n
or with the WIEN2k interface I still get a problem;

>   inputfiles for lapw1c/2c prepared, no inversion present     (17:35:21)
 next is kgen
forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 20, file 
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
kgen               000000000045C74B  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
kgen               0000000000425E78  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
kgen               00000000004047B5  MAIN__                    195  main.f
kgen               00000000004041B2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       000014A887F27431  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
kgen               00000000004040AA  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
 \n stop error \n


I am using versions 19.1 and 21.1 with fedora




I suggest you address the errors from "x nn" first such as that for "RMT( 
22)=2.00000 AND RMT( 20)=2.10000".  Using setrmt and accepting the 
MoS2-Ti-3.struct_setrmt might fix that.  Then, you might want to accept the 
file from sgroup (e.g., cp MoS2-Ti-3.struct_sgroup MoS2-Ti-3.struct).  When I 
did that as shown below, it seemed to avoid that error you reported from kgen:

username@computername:~/wiendata/MoS2-Ti-3$ cat $WIENROOT/WIEN2k_VERSION
WIEN2k_21.1 (Release 14/4/2021)

Note: WIEN2k 21.1 in use has been patched with Makefile.orig-lapw2.patch, 
Makefile.orig.patch, analyse_phonon_lapw.patch, calLa_Pre_elast.patch, 
nn.patch, qdmft.patch, qtlpara_lapw.patch, and x_lapw.patch from

username@computername:~/wiendata/MoS2-Ti-3$ ls -l
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 username username 8825 Jul  4 08:05 MoS2-Ti-3.struct
username@computername:~/wiendata/MoS2-Ti-3$ x nn
 specify nn-bondlength factor: (usually=2) [and optionally dlimit, dstmax 
(about 1.d-5, 20)]
   ERROR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 RMT( 22)=2.00000 AND RMT( 20)=2.10000
 SUMS TO 4.10000 GT NNN-DIST= 4.07491
0.287u 0.019s 0:01.48 19.5%    0+0k 0+728io 0pf+0w
username@computername:~/wiendata/MoS2-Ti-3$ setrmt MoS2-Ti-3 -r 0
file    MoS2-Ti-3.struct_setrmt   generated
username@computername:~/wiendata/MoS2-Ti-3$ cp MoS2-Ti-3.struct_setrmt 
username@computername:~/wiendata/MoS2-Ti-3$ x sgroup
0.006u 0.000s 0:00.00 0.0%    0+0k 0+24io 0pf+0w
username@computername:~/wiendata/MoS2-Ti-3$ cp MoS2-Ti-3.struct_sgroup 
username@computername:~/wiendata/MoS2-Ti-3$ x symmetry
0.032u 0.004s 0:00.03 100.0%    0+0k 0+128io 0pf+0w
username@computername:~/wiendata/MoS2-Ti-3$ init_lapw -b
 next is setrmt
 next is nn
 specify nn-bondlength factor: (usually=2) [and optionally dlimit, dstmax 
(about 1.d-5, 20)]
    ATOM 22  Ti1        ATOM  9  S 2
 RMT( 22)=2.07000 AND RMT(  9)=1.78000
 SUMS TO 3.85000  LT.  NN-DIST= 3.87254
0.252u 0.012s 0:00.26 100.0%    0+0k 0+720io 0pf+0w
 next is sgroup
>   sgroup    (14:38:11) 0.000u 0.006s 0:00.00 0.0%    0+0k 0+24io 0pf+0w
Number and name of space group: 156 (P 3 m 1)
 next is symmetry
>   symmetry    (14:38:12)  SPACE GROUP DOES NOT CONTAIN INVERSION
0.033u 0.007s 0:00.04 75.0%    0+0k 0+128io 0pf+0w
 next is lstart
 22 Atoms found:  with labels Mo1  Mo2  Mo3  Mo4  Mo5  Mo6  Mo7  S 1  S 2  S 3  
S 4  S 5  S 6  S 7  S 8  S 9  S 10 S 11 S 12 S 13 S 14 Ti1
generate atomic configuration for atom 1 : Mo1
generate atomic configuration for atom 22 : Ti1
  recommended: PBE    [(13) GGA of Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof 96]
               LDA    [( 5)]
               WC     [(11)  GGA of Wu-Cohen 2006]
               PBESOL [(19) GGA of Perdew etal. 2008]
  SELECT ENERGY to separate core and valence states:
  recommended: -6.0 Ry (check how much core charge leaks out of MT-sphere)
  ALTERNATIVELY: specify charge localization (between 0.97 and 1.0) to select 
core state
 atom 1 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
 atom 2 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
 atom 3 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
 atom 4 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
 atom 5 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
 atom 6 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
 atom 7 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
>   inputfiles prepared    (14:38:20)
 inputfiles prepared
 inversion is NOT present
>   inputfiles for lapw1c/2c prepared, no inversion present    (14:38:20)
 next is kgen
           6  symmetry operations without inversion
 inversion added (non-spinpolarized non-so calculation)
  NUMBER OF K-POINTS IN WHOLE CELL: (0 allows to specify 3 divisions of G)
 length of reciprocal lattice vectors:   0.404   0.404   0.270  11.440  11.440  
          94  k-points generated, ndiv=          11          11           7
 next is dstart
>   dstart -c -p > & .mist    (14:38:21) running dstart in single mode
46.329u 0.129s 0:46.46 99.9%    0+0k 0+23584io 0pf+0w

-----> new MoS2-Ti-3.in0 generated
  init_lapw finished ok

Kind Regards,


WIEN2k user

On 7/4/2022 1:21 PM, delamora wrote:
Dear Wien community,
I am trying to dope MoS2 which is
SG 194
a,b,c = 3.168, 3.168, 12.322
90, 90, 120
Mo: 1/3, 2/3, 1/4
S: 1/3, 2/3, 0.625
I make a 3x3x1 supercell and add a Ti atom at 8/9, 1/9, 0.95
With "sgroup" the SG=156 P3m1 (file attached)
and when I initiate the initiation stops with;

 atom 4 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
 atom 5 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
 atom 6 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
 atom 7 has a large sphere , consider setting HDLOs and/or larger LVNS
>   inputfiles prepared (14:01:54)
 inputfiles prepared
 inversion is NOT present
>   inputfiles for lapw1c/2c prepared, no inversion present     (14:01:54)
 next is kgen
forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 20, file 
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
kgen               000000000045C74B  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
kgen               0000000000425E78  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
kgen               00000000004047B5  MAIN__                    195  main.f
kgen               00000000004041B2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       000014B1973D0431  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
kgen               00000000004040AA  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
 \n stop error \n

and the struct file is cut at:
          MULT= 3          ISPLIT= 8
     -12: X=0.55555555 Y=0.77777777 Z=0.92500000
     -12: X=0.22222223 Y=0.77777778 Z=0.92500000
S 5        NPT=  781  R0=0.00010000 RMT= 1.78        Z: 16.0
LOCAL ROT MATRIX:    0.0000000-0.5000000 0.8660254
                     1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
and there is no error file

I appreciate your comments


Attachment: MoS2-Ti.struct
Description: MoS2-Ti.struct

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