Dear Pranjal,
it was discussed in mailing list, -prec 2/3 may change some settings which does 
not allow to reuse previous calculations.
>>Dear All,
>>Version 23.2
>>Suppose if I do a calculation with prec 1 and then I save everything that I 
>>need (save_lapw). On the same structure I would like to do the same 
>>calculations BUT this time with prec 2.
>>In this case, when I run SCF, do I need to delete the old scf files or can I 
>>keep continuing from the old ones (in w2web when you click on Run SCF, they 
>>give you the option to save/delete or continue from the previous data)?
>>I would like to kindly confirm what is the correct way to do (to optimise 
>>Kindly let me know.
>>Thank you.
>>With warm regards,
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