Hello Giovanni,
thanks for the pointer to the Click datasets.
I'd have to take a look at the complete dataset, to see how much of those
requests are touching wikipedia.

Then, one of the requirements to access those datas is:
"The Click Dataset is large (~2.5 TB compressed), which requires that it be
transferred on a physical hard drive. You will have to provide the drive as
well as pre-paid return shipment. "

I have to check if this is possible and how long this might take to ship
and send back an hard-drive from Switzerland.
I'll let you know !!


On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia <
gciam...@indiana.edu> wrote:

> Valerio,
> I didn't know such data existed. As an alternative, perhaps you could have
> a look at our click datasets, which contain requests to the Web at large
> (i.e., not just Wikipedia) generated from within the campus of Indiana
> University over a period of several months. HTH
> http://carl.cs.indiana.edu/data/#click
> Cheers
> G
> Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
> ✎ 919 E 10th ∙ Bloomington 47408 IN ∙ USA
> ☞ http://www.glciampaglia.com/
> ✆ +1 812 855-7261
> ✉ gciam...@indiana.edu
> 2014-09-17 9:53 GMT-04:00 Valerio Schiavoni <valerio.schiav...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> just bumping my email from last week, since so far I did not get any
>> answer.
>> Should I consider that dataset to be somehow lost ?
>> I've also contacted the researchers who partially released it, but making
>> it publicly available is tricky for them, due to its size (12 TB), which
>> might instead be somehow in the norms of the operations taken daily by
>> Wikipedia servers.
>> Thanks again,
>> Valerio
>>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 4:15 AM, Valerio Schiavoni <
>>> valerio.schiav...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear WikiMedia foundation,
>>>> in the context of a EU research project [1], we are interested in
>>>> accessing
>>>> wikipedia access traces.
>>>> In the past, such traces were given for research purposes to other
>>>> groups
>>>> [2].
>>>> Unfortunately, only a small percentage (10%) of that trace has been made
>>>> made available (10%).
>>>> We are interested in accessing the totality of that same trace (or even
>>>> better, a more recent one, but the same one will do).
>>>> If this is not the correct ML to use for such requests, could please
>>>> anyone
>>>> redirect me to correct one ?
>>>> Thanks again for your attention,
>>>> Valerio Schiavoni
>>>> Post-Doc Researcher
>>>> University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
>>>> 1 - http://www.leads-project.eu
>>>> 2 - http://www.wikibench.eu/?page_id=60
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