Hello Kevin Crowston,

THank you for the link. I have read your paper about the initial phase and
profited very much from it.

My personal opinion on UP editing, not backed by research: IP editing has
negative social consequences for the community. This negative side is not
quite visible when only looking quantitatively at huge data.

Kind regards

Kevin G Crowston <crows...@syr.edu> schrieb am Mi. 19. Sep. 2018 um 18:41:

> Jonathan Cardy <werespielchequ...@gmail.com<mailto:
> werespielchequ...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> In case I didn’t make it clear, I am very much of the camp that IP editing
> is our lifeline, the way we recruit new members.
> Tangentially elated to this question, we have a forthcoming paper at the
> CSCW conference about how research conclusions change when anonymous work
> (e.g., IP editing) is taken into account. We looked at data from a citizen
> science project. Short answer: it makes a difference.
> The paper isn’t up on the ACM DL yet, but you can see it here:
> https://crowston.syr.edu/node/756
> Doing the study requires access to IP addresses for logged in users, so
> someone at WMF would have to do the study for Wikipedia, which would be
> really interesting and would speak to the question of whether IP editing is
> a gateway to further editing.
> Kevin Crowston
> Associate Dean for Research, Distinguished Professor of Information Science
> School of Information Studies
> +1 (315) 443.1676<tel:+1%20(315)%20443.1676>
> crows...@syr.edu<mailto:crows...@syr.edu>
> 348 Hinds Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244
> crowston.syr.edu <http://crowston.syr.edu/>
> Syracuse University
> Most recent publication:  Kevin Crowston, Isabelle Fagnot. (2018). Stages
> of motivation for contributing user-generated content: A theory and
> empirical test. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 109,
> 89-101,  doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.08.005<
> http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.08.005> .
> Check out our new research coordination network on Work in the Age of
> Intelligent Machine:  http://waim.network/
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