--- Comment #10 from Philippe Verdy <> 2012-11-24 23:57:03 
UTC ---
Yes I agree that this bug should remain focused to what is in the servier-side
MediaWiki software itself (including its default front-end in the HTML/JS/CSS
code generation part; and the default SQL backend, or at least in its interface
if MySQL is just one possible interface provided with MEdiaWiki, not excluding
other interfaces to PostgreSQL for example).

Outside of this bug, we also need to find a clien-side collation with an
installable set of javascripts, to perform client-side sorting where needed
(the main application is for sorting tables locally on the client, without
necessarily having to use a server-side query, but this couls still be an
option with an additional server API that will service some sort requests for
clients, using a XML request or (probably better) JSON request).

For now there does not exist any viable client-side library in Javascript that
can perform tailorable collation, so developing an addition server-side API
would be helpful (and integratable as a MediaWiki extension, or initially using
a service deployed separately on some server with its own API): such
server-side helpers do exist today, and it's not a big deal to adapt it with
some javascript. It could even be experimented using the local PC of the client
as the server (by developping a browser plugin to service the request, because
it's easy to devlop such browser plugin based on CLDR, and with the javascript
sensing the presence of this API on the PC).

With this javascript initially using the external "server", we can experiment
on how to deplou the javascript by installing it in MediaWiki (it can even be
experimented by storing the javascript on user pages, without any modification
to the server-side MediaWiki software or installation).

In other words there are many ways to support this client-side mechanism witout
immediately having to change MediaWiki (even if later MEdiaWiki is integrating
one of the proposed methods, making it part of its distribution).

But the central part is the server-side : we still need to integrate in
MEdiaWiki such collation, using a PHP Collation class used by the sorftware,
and also exposed to MediaWiki pages with a parser function (notably one that
will compute a collation key from a given string, and a locale identifier).

With this tool we can then develop various things to support a coherent
collation with all server-side usages (including for servicing remote JSON
requests made by clients in Javascript, for clients that won't want any plugin
installed in their browser or any preconfiguration of their user pages to store
some javascript sort helpers).

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