--- Comment #18 from Brandon Black <> ---
Generating coastline data "from source" is also a bit too complex for what we
want to do here.  As far as we're concerned, "source" is the upstream
pre-generated stuff.  Kai's openstreetmap-mapnik-stylesheet-data package (here: )
encapsulates (aside from basic style/symbol stuff) the coastline data
conceptually, but obviously he doesn't package 688MB of binary data in the
.deb.  Instead, it includes a script which (by default) is run at package
postinst time to download and unpack these (which is 5 compressed files from
two different sites - and

When I last talked this over with Faidon, we both agreed we didn't like the
idea of downloading huge data from the public internet as part of an automated,
puppet-driven package install to set up a render node in the general case. 
Ideally we'd have some other fancy local solution to store this data (and
update it once in a blue moon as necessary), and we'd rsync it (or whatever)
within our infrastructure.  Kai's package allows for this already (via a
debconf option to skip the download).

I'm still pondering this bit.  Part of me really just wants to say, "Look, any
other solution is even more of a pain in the ass, let's just set up an outbound
HTTP proxy on these machines at install time [by default, they don't have
access to the outside world, but we have proxies avail...] and let them pull it
from the primary upstream sources via the package default."  Then we can move
on with other challenges, and if it really bothers some enterprising individual
down the road when we have more renderer machines to care about, they're free
to remedy the situation at that time.

hstore: I haven't reached a point where I'm fully aware of the tradeoffs on
hstore.  If it's relatively cheap to do hstore during osm2pgsql (and ongoing
updates), we may as well put it in from the get-go.  On the other hand, this
first deployment isn't intended to support things like hikebike.  We're just
trying to get basic world map tiles out the door, and then based on production
experience with that we can decide what else to support and what that will
require in terms of hardware and software resources.

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