--- Comment #8 from Alvaro <> ---
Ok Quim, finally I have found time for gathering the results.

From Jul to Sep 2013:

* 34 people with +2 actions not from WMF
* The complete list below

mysql> select count(distinct( as total, changed_by,
people_upeople.upeople_id,, company_id, from
changes, people_upeople, people, acs_cvsanaly_mediawiki_2428.upeople_companies,
acs_cvsanaly_mediawiki_2428.companies where =
people_upeople.people_id and changes.changed_by=people_upeople.people_id and
upeople_companies.upeople_id = people_upeople.upeople_id and
upeople_companies.company_id = and new_value='2' and changed_on >
'2013-06' and changed_on < '2013-10' and <>'Wikimedia
Deutschland' and<>'Wikimedia Foundation'group by changed_by
order by total desc;
| total | changed_by | upeople_id | name             | company_id | name       
| 16951 |          2 |        164 | jenkins-bot      |        172 | Unknown    
|  7972 |         29 |        171 | L10n-bot         |       3051 | |
|   161 |        170 |        293 | Mwjames          |       3054 | Independent
|   137 |          7 |        256 | Matmarex         |       3054 | Independent
|   125 |         66 |        791 | Addshore         |       3054 | Independent
|   124 |        405 |        151 | Xqt              |       3054 | Independent
|   119 |         50 |        161 | Legoktm          |       3054 | Independent
|   108 |         91 |        719 | Petr Onderka     |        172 | Unknown    
|    93 |         31 |        288 | Hoo man          |        577 | cox        
|    80 |         26 |        389 | Parent5446       |       3054 | Independent
|    78 |        109 |        169 | Ladsgroup        |        172 | Unknown    
|    78 |        293 |        128 | Merlijn van Deen |       3054 | Independent
|    59 |         94 |        529 | Santhosh         |        172 | Unknown    
|    39 |        389 |         97 | DrTrigon         |        172 | Unknown    
|    39 |         22 |         58 | TheDJ            |       3054 | Independent
|    35 |        132 |         61 | Tpt              |       3054 | Independent
|    32 |        122 |        783 | Physikerwelt     |        172 | Unknown    
|    31 |         83 |        341 | Raimond Spekking |       3054 | Independent
|    29 |         21 |        417 | Brian Wolff      |       3054 | Independent
|    26 |        242 |        554 | Yaron Koren      |       3055 | WikiWorks  
|    20 |        159 |        537 | KartikMistry     |        172 | Unknown    
|    19 |         28 |        261 | Alex Monk        |       3054 | Independent
|    14 |        232 |        747 | Foxtrott         |        172 | Unknown    
|    14 |         36 |        363 | IAlex            |        172 | Unknown    
|    10 |        365 |        196 | Stefan.petrea    |       3054 | Independent
|     6 |         49 |        770 | Wikinaut         |        172 | Unknown    
|     3 |        330 |        866 | Christian        |       1303 | wikia      
|     3 |         81 |        551 | Nischayn22       |       3054 | Independent
|     2 |        424 |       1200 | Kelson           |       2169 | btinternet 
|     2 |        140 |        785 | Inez             |       1303 | wikia      
|     2 |        408 |        115 | Russell Blau     |         98 | googlemail 
|     1 |         52 |        351 | Liangent         |       3054 | Independent
|     1 |        199 |        345 | SPQRobin         |       3054 | Independent
|     1 |        235 |         98 | QChris           |       3054 | Independent
34 rows in set, 2 warnings (0.63 sec)

I hope it is useful for you!

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