Summary: Table updaters should warn (and offer deletion) of
                    empty image.img_name or image.img_size rows
           Product: MediaWiki
           Version: 1.16-svn
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: Normal
         Component: Maintenance scripts

Recently I found a small problem after upgrading a very old version to
Mediawiki 1.15.1, this problem being entered as (SpecialListfiles throws
fatal error on emtpy file names).

But the underlying reason was a failed file upload some years ago which
apparently resulted in a "upload zombie" entry in table image (the failing
upload is not topic of this bugzilla as such. We all know, this should not
happen, but happened for the one or other reason now and then in older
Mediawiki versions.)

In my case, I found that the upload date and uploader's name were present and
correct, but I found image.img_name == '' and image.img_size==0, which make no
sense and puzzles at least SpecialListfiles.php (try to sort the table by names
-> fatal error).

To offer users a safe migration in case they have previously unknown "upload
zombie(s)" in their image table, I suggest:

--> to add a check in to print a warning for such cases. It will
be needed to add a quick plausibility check and to give the updater a link to
delete such zombies when migrate-installing a wiki, or when maintaining

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