--- Comment #15 from Juan de Vojníkov <> ---
>I am actually neutral in enabling.... I just noted here for the record, that 
>there are objections and reservations to enabling.

No, you are not neutral. Thats why I am not happy Tomasz W. Kozlowski re-assign
this bug to you. You want to push your way to do this, thats why you are
talking about objections. JAn Dudik on cs.wv wrote: 

"A pokud přesto ty kategorie chcete, nechte si zavést takový název, který bude
vyhovovat všem stranám - vám na názvu až tak nezáleží, jen když kategorie
budou, a pro Dannyho účely budou v jím preferovaném tvaru Uživatelé:xx-1. JAn
Dudík (diskuse) 22. 5. 2014, 19:33 (UTC)" 

ENGLISH: "If you want those categories anyway, ask for the name, which will be
acceptible for all parties - in fact you dont mind, how it will be called, you
only need it, and format "Uživatelé:xx-1" will be prefered by Danny B. and
usefull for his purpose." (btw, do feel that sense of manipulation from this

So basically Danny B. should not be assignee of this bug, because he is here in
the "conflict of interest".

Personally I dont mind, how it will be called. The problem is how people
proposing the version "Uživatelé:xx-1" push it. They come to the discussion
late and they are not big contributors to the project.
*user:JAn Dudík
**Proposal: against categories, but if so, than "Uživatelé:xx-1"
**Agrument: Danny B. needs it
**Proposal: against categories, but if so, than "Uživatelé:vlastnost"
**Argument: its natural and its used for more than 10 years on WMF projects
**Milda things that we want categories for foreigners, but its not correct, he
probably havent red well the supporting votes. Btw, >10 years on which
*user:Danny B.:
**Proposal: strong oppose, but if so, "Uživatelé:vlastnost"
**Argument: no argument
**Proposal: dont mind, but if so, "Uživatelé:vlastnost"
**Argument: the argument of user:Milda is good

So as it was blocked here by Danny B., I think we have to discuss localy about
the next steps and it will take some time.

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