--- Comment #5 from ---
Here some extracted lines from debuggin:
I used the following in LocalSettings.php

error_reporting( -1 );
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
$wgShowExceptionDetails = true;
$wgDebugToolbar = true;

wfShellExec: "C:\Program Files\xpdf\bin64\pdfinfo.exe" -enc UTF-8  -l 9999999 
-meta "C:\PHP\temp\phpDC.tmp"
PdfImage::retrieveMetaData: "C:\Program Files\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe"
"C:\PHP\temp\phpDC.tmp" - 
wfShellExec: "C:\Program Files\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe"
"C:\PHP\temp\phpDC.tmp" - 
wfShellExec: "C:\Program Files\xpdf\bin64\pdfinfo.exe" -enc UTF-8  -l 9999999 
-meta "C:\PHP\temp\phpDC.tmp"
PdfImage::retrieveMetaData: "C:\Program Files\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe"
"C:\PHP\temp\phpDC.tmp" - 
wfShellExec: "C:\Program Files\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe"
"C:\PHP\temp\phpDC.tmp" - 

There is no "doTransform" within the logfile.

I tried to execute "C:\Program Files\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe" (without quotes)
in command prompt and the result somehow crazy. Windows can't execute it,
rising the same error as in Comment 1.

Der Befehl "C:\Program" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht
gefunden werden 

Using quotes arround "Program Files" in commandprompt works. So I tried this in

C:\"Program Files"\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe

Getting this in my Logfile

wfShellExec: "C:\\\"Program Files\"\xpdf\bin64\pdfinfo.exe" -enc UTF-8  -l
9999999  -meta "C:\PHP\temp\phpDD.tmp"
PdfImage::retrieveMetaData: "C:\\\"Program Files\"\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe"
"C:\PHP\temp\phpDD.tmp" - 
wfShellExec: "C:\\\"Program Files\"\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe"
"C:\PHP\temp\phpDD.tmp" - 
wfShellExec: "C:\\\"Program Files\"\xpdf\bin64\pdfinfo.exe" -enc UTF-8  -l
9999999  -meta "C:\PHP\temp\phpDD.tmp"
PdfImage::retrieveMetaData: "C:\\\"Program Files\"\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe"
"C:\PHP\temp\phpDD.tmp" - 
wfShellExec: "C:\\\"Program Files\"\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe"
"C:\PHP\temp\phpDD.tmp" - 

Using this kind of path in command prompt works.

C:\\\"Program Files\"\xpdf\bin64\pdftotext.exe

runjobs.php no longer shows errors with this BUT looking at my testpage
unfortunatly is not showing a preview as before.

Making a link to the pdf file on page

results in this in my logfile

Linker::makeImageLink: Datei:0003_1110_Technische_Dokumentation.pdf does not
allow inline display

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