RobLa-WMF added a subscriber: RobLa-WMF.
RobLa-WMF added a comment.

For people that don't have Phab accounts on migration day, can we instead 
create faux user ids for these people?  E.g. "BZUser1234" for the 1234th user 
migrated, or even better, if the user was "", 
"BZUser-robla-at-robla-net" (appending numbers to handle the one-in-a-million 
name clash).  We then allow people to claim their BZ accounts.  Having a unique 
token to search/replace would hopefully make it easier to clean things up after 
the fact.

One other suggestion: would it be possible to hack up a "WMF Bugzilla identity 
provider" that basically allows people to log in with their old bugzilla 
credentials?  It wouldn't need to actually hit Bugzilla, but rather, could be 
just an implementation of the BZ password hash hitting a mostly static database 
table.  If Phabricator doesn't support account merging now, we could 
potentially implement it down the road, and ask people to limp along with two 
accounts at first.

Since the migration is (hopefully) happening very soon, I think it's a tough 
pill to swallow to say that the very small percentage of people who sign up for 
a Phabricator account now will have their metadata show up correctly, and 
everyone else will have something much kludgier.  At a minimum, I think we'll 
probably need to commit to a one-time correction within a reasonably specific 
timeframe (e.g. 6 months)


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To: RobLa-WMF
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