Summary: Outreach and strategy wikis don't work the same way as
                    other wikis with Single User Login
           Product: Wikimedia
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: minor
          Priority: Normal
         Component: General/Unknown

When I'm logged in to one of my global accounts, it doesn't register me as
logged in when I go to or . 
However, when I sign in there, it does sign me in on all the other wikis with
my global account.

Here's what I do:
1.  Log on with one account of mine on English Wikipedia: [[User:Sross (Public
Policy)]].  When I go to other projects, like Commons or another language
Wikipedia, I'm automatically signed in.
2.  When I go to Outreach wiki, I'm not signed in.  If I sign in with a
different account ([[User:Sageross]]), then I'm signed in on all the main wikis
with that account now too.  (It signs me out of the other account.)
3.  If I then go to Strategy wiki, I'm not signed in there either.  If I sign
in with a third account, [[User:Ragesoss]], then I'm switched to that account
for all the main wikis.  But on Outreach wiki, I'm still signed in as Sageross.

This results in accidental edits with either the wrong account or as an IP.

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