Summary: Special:Newmessages fails to load when there are many
                    unread messages
           Product: MediaWiki extensions
           Version: any
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: blocker
          Priority: Normal
         Component: LiquidThreads

The notification on my watchlist on says I have over 4000
unread messages; when I go to Special:Newmessages it takes a long time to load,
and when it finally finishes all I have is a blank page (completely blank, no
skin or error message or anything).

I am not familiar with how Special:Newmessages should work, as this is the only
wiki I'm active on that uses LiquidThreads (and I was inactive there when they
switched to LT, and for some time after that, which explains the big amount of
unread messages), but I would assume it is a page listing all new messages, and
would again assume that the reason for the error is that it is trying to load
all 4000+ messages in one page.

Nikerabbit gets the following fatal error when I try to load it:
PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 125829120 bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate 4253580 bytes) in /www/w/includes/OutputPage.php on line 897


"GET /wiki/Special:NewMessages HTTP/1.1" 500 31

I would guess the proper fix would be to split the page into several parts
showing X number of messages per page. (And I really hope there is a Mark all
as read-feature. ;) )

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