--- Comment #4 from Bawolff <> 2011-02-09 19:15:29 UTC ---
>Based on some Google research I did in response to your
>comment, I found that the Wikimedia Foundation already decided last year to get
>some better analytics tools.

My main concern was giving out such data to everyone who could potentially want
it. Bot developers are a wide group of people, of varying levels of competency.
I wouldn't really want such a group to have access to such data unless it was
very well anonimized. Such information could be sensitive. Say someone browsed
through various articles on Wikipedia about sexual topics, followed by a browse
through the commons categories for sexual images (Assuming such categories
still exist after the recent controversies that i havn't really been following)
followed by the user visiting his own userpage (so one can identify who it is.
If user pages aren't listed, perhaps followed by him accidently making a typo
and going to uer:<user name>/ whatever). That might be something that the user
would not want to be published.

Anyways, I'm all for better analyitic tools in general (I love the page stats),
but we also have to be careful. Even anonoymized data can be harmful to release
(for example [[AOL search data scandal]]) if not done carefully.

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