Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment.

Locally seTiemout() is translating to other languages but if I click my mouse pointer at any other position except the text-editor the language is getting reverted back to english (whatever language presently chosen )

Okay, but that’s a different problem – in the hack, we override CodeMirror’s placeholder element, but as soon as CodeMirror redraws it (which it apparently does as soon as it loses focus), that override is lost. The correct fix for that is to teach CodeMirror the new override as well. I’ll upload a change to fix that.

The timeout is 1000 ms and not shorter because we need to wait until the languages have been loaded. If you use setInterval, you can get away with a shorter interval because it will just keep running until the translations have been loaded, but that’s very inefficient – we shouldn’t need to run this more than once.



To: Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE
Cc: gerritbot, Rammanojpotla, Liuxinyu970226, PokestarFan, Aklapper, Jonas, Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, Versusxo, Majesticalreaper22, Tamgue, Giuliamocci, Adrian1985, Cpaulf30, Lahi, Gq86, Baloch007, Darkminds3113, Lordiis, GoranSMilovanovic, Adik2382, Th3d3v1ls, Ramalepe, Liugev6, QZanden, EBjune, merbst, LawExplorer, Avner, Lewizho99, Maathavan, Gehel, FloNight, Xmlizer, jkroll, Smalyshev, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, Tobias1984, Manybubbles, Lydia_Pintscher, Mbch331
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