Denny added a comment.

@Nemo_bis thanks, I agree with your point a lot.

But regarding your question - just because there is a database which happens to reproducible should not trigger any right issues.

To give an example: it is easy to imagine a company that sells the list of all countries and their capitals as a dataset that is easy to process and that has a guaranteed quality and support level, to other companies, under a proprietary license that does not allow the dataset to be reshared.

Now just because it happens that we can reproduce that list from Wikidata with a SPARQL query should not mean that we have to act in any way.

On the other side, if we had used that list to import the data - then that would in my understanding be a breach of the rights of that company. But if we did not and the result happens to be the same - well, that's how it is.

If the example is too simple, it could be easily extended to be larger and more substantial. My argument would still be the same.

What do you think?



To: Denny
Cc: Nemo_bis, TomT0m, jrbs, EgonWillighagen, sarojdhakal, Agabi10, NMaia, Simon_Villeneuve, Jarekt, Rspeer, OhKayeSierra, Aschmidt, AndrewSu, Mateusz_Konieczny, Maxlath, Huji, Glrx, Realworldobject, Ltrlg, Papapep, Tgr, Ayack, Gnom1, MichaelMaggs, MisterSynergy, Pasleim, Cirdan, 0x010C, Sylvain_WMFr, Denny, Ivanhercaz, Pintoch, Lydia_Pintscher, Lea_Lacroix_WMDE, Aklapper, Psychoslave, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, ZhouZ, Mpaulson, Wikidata-bugs, aude, jayvdb, Slaporte, Mbch331, Jay8g
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