Michael added a comment.

Currently, we would only query one federated instance, because any entity type can only be provided by a single repository (the local one or a federated one). That will change in the future, but even then, I don’t think many installs will have more than two or three repos for the same entity type (local item, Wikidata item, perhaps something in between?).

That depends on how fractured the ecosystem is going to be. If many glam organizations start hosting their own wikibase but somewhat agree on a common itemtype (say Artifact:A12345), then we might face a lot of instances. That might be especially true, if we make spinning up instances very easy, e.g. by creating "wikibase hub" or something similar to the wordpress.com model for wikibase with GLAM defaults preconfigured. Also third parties might be create something like wikia.com .

api url

With this line, I just wanted to point out that we currently have only the entity url configured e.g. https://wikidata.beta.wmflabs.org/entity/, but we may want to explicitly configure the url for the api instead of "recalculating" it, since they may be significantly different.

the way I currently envision this, API-based federation would use the current Wikibase APIs (mostly wbgetentities, I assume). Is that also what you have in mind, or do you want to create some dedicated API or use something else?

Honestly, I'm not sure and I think that depends on how we model the other components. If we can make use of all the information wbgetentities provides and it scales well, then that might be enough.

In general, I get the feeling that building a prototype for this and noting all the ways where that fails might be a good way to get a reliable list of the things we have to build right. Maybe, let's take a small team and a few weeks or a trail blaze for this?



To: Michael
Cc: Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, WMDE-leszek, _jensen, johl, Aklapper, Lydia_Pintscher, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, D3r1ck01, Jonas, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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