Snaterlicious added a comment.

Using CSS flexbox, the mock-up could just be adapted "as is". However, due to 
the lack of compatibility, this options is disregarded. (Sensible) options from 
a technical perspective:

- Leave the badges left to the page name: When toggling edit mode, the page 
name of every link that has no badge yet has to be shifted to the right to 
allow rendering the badge placeholder. Caveats: Toggling edit mode causes quite 
some layout movement. When shifting with an animation, there is some (small) 
performance impact when toggling edit mode. That, however, might have some 
implications when toggling edit mode for a long list of site links.
- Put the badges to the end of the line: "text-overflow: ellipsis;" may not be 
used in non-JS as the badges would disappear on long page names. As soon as 
JavaScript kicks in, long page names are shortened similar to what 
"text-overflow: ellipsis;" does but badges are left visible. Caveats: Some 
jitter when JavaScript initializes, some more work than the other option, 
(small) performance impact when loading (which should be very small as soon as 
site links are collapsed to preferred ones when loading a page).

The decision should, of course, also depend on where the badges actually make 
most sense to put. Before the page name, the badges might be easier to 
scan/read as their offset does not depend on the length of the page name. 
However, badges are applied TO pages. The flow of specifying the page first and 
assigning badges afterwards probably feels more natural.

F21248: sitelinksorder.png <>
(left out "remove" icon in the graphic as it should not be relevant)


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