Reedy created this task.
Reedy added projects: Wikidata, Wikidata-Campsite, MediaWiki-Vendor.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper.


From composer outdated, 5 of the results are wikidata related

data-values/data-values               1.1.1   2.1.1    Defines the DataValue interface and some trivial implementations
data-values/geo                       3.0.1   4.1.0    Geographical value objects, parsers and formatters
data-values/serialization             1.2.2   1.2.3    Serializers and deserializers for DataValue implementations
diff/diff                             2.3.0   3.2.0    Small standalone library for representing differences between data structures, computing such differences, and applying th...
wikibase/data-model-services          3.12.0  3.13.0   Services around the Wikibase DataModel is also blocking updating wikimedia/assert to 0.4.0 too

I see in Wikibase/composer.json we have:

  • "wikibase/data-model-services": "^3.10.0",, so we can do 3.13.0 matching the version constraints
  • "data-values/data-values": "^2.0.0|^1.0.0", so we can do 2.1.1 matching the version constraints
  • "data-values/serialization": "^1.2.1", so we can do 1.2.3 matching the version constraint

The two conflicting are

  • "diff/diff": "^2.3.0", - We can't bump to 3.0.0 until we drop HHVM on prod (due to php >= 7.0)
  • "data-values/geo": "^3.0.1|^2.1.2", - We can't bump to 3.0.0 until we drop HHVM on prod (due to php >= 7.0)

As such.. Are we able to upgrade these first three, and then do the other two after T176370: Migrate to PHP 7 in WMF production is complete (and diff/diff is bumped in Wikibase's composer.json)?



To: Reedy
Cc: Aklapper, Reedy, Eladio.15, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, Jonas, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Lydia_Pintscher, Mbch331, Legoktm
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