mobrovac added a comment.

  In T220402#5146064 <>, 
@Pablo-WMDE wrote:
  > @mobrovac During T221755 <> & 
T221754 <> we tended to `/?spec` 
<> and `/_info` 
<> - could you please take a look?
  Yup, lookin' good! Now service-checker can get the spec. The next step is to 
define (a) whether a specific end point should be tested; and (b) if so, what 
are the request/response pairs that it ought to send/expect.
  For the former, each end point + method combo should have an `x-monitor` 
stanza that is set to `true` or `false` (whether to test the end point + method 
combo or not). If this stanza is not present, service-checker assumes its value 
to be `true`. For the latter, if `x-monitor: true`, then you need an additional 
stanza - `x-amples`. It is an array of objects, consisting of `request` and 
`response` properties that define the request to be sent and the response that 
is expected back. Both properties are objects themselves that can have the 
`uri`, `headers` and `body` properties, depending on the request.
  Here are some examples of its usage to get you an idea of how this works in 
practice: RESTBase 



To: mobrovac
Cc: fsero, mobrovac, Matthias_Geisler_WMDE, Pablo-WMDE, Dzahn, Addshore, 
Tarrow, Lea_WMDE, WMDE-leszek, Jakob_WMDE, Aklapper, akosiaris, alaa_wmde, 
joker88john, Legado_Shulgin, CucyNoiD, Nandana, NebulousIris, thifranc, 
AndyTan, Gaboe420, Versusxo, Majesticalreaper22, Giuliamocci, Davinaclare77, 
Adrian1985, Qtn1293, Cpaulf30, Lahi, Gq86, Baloch007, Darkminds3113, Bsandipan, 
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rosalieper, Liudvikas, Wong128hk, Eevans, thcipriani, Hardikj, Wikidata-bugs, 
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