alaa_wmde added a comment.

  That's worse than we imagined .. I'm wondering where the flakiness is coming 
from, just to make sure we do not carry it over with us into the re-written 
wdio tests. Did you get to figure out a little more why they are flaky already?
  I know browser tests can waste great amount of effort in getting them working 
and useful, and at the end of the tunnel one would wonder whether the benefit 
justifies the costs.
  So let's do this:
  1. timebox this (4 hours?) to figure out where the flakiness coming from. Is 
it selenium (we use selenium for wdio too)? is it race-conditions between 
client and server state? or is it just cucumber/capybara?
  2. shift focus entirely to re-writing those tests in javascript using wdio, 
taking with us any useful learnings from 1.
  @Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE since you've put enough effort into this already, 
please make the appropriate decision on the above



To: Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, alaa_wmde
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