Etonkovidova added a comment.

  In T224426#5219687 <>, 
@Urbanecm wrote:
  > @Etonkovidova Hi, I can see "Wikidata edits" in your second screenshot. 
However, in the screenshot from task's description (F29258444 
<>), there's nothing saying 
"Wikidata". I understand that the filters understands "Wikidata edit" as "human 
edit", even that, I think preferences should be honored, unless explicitly 
overriden by adding "Wikidata edits" to display, as in your screenshot.
  My screenshot illustrates only the point that selecting the option "Show 
wikidata edits" option in Preferences-Recent changes will include Wikidata 
filter in  default filters - nothing more.
  In the task description  screenshot - wikidata entries appears because 
Human(non bot) filter was selected and Wikidata edits were made by humans, as 
you mentioned in the comment above.
  I agree that "Show wikidata edits" when not enabled should exclude wikidata 
edits entirely from all filters' result set.   Two other options "Hide 
categorization of pages" and "Hide minor edits from recent changes" behave the 
same as "Show wikidata edits". 
  The real bug is actually there -   the option "Show wikidata edits" is not 
enabled and no RC filters are selected,  wikidata edits are still displayed 
  the following options selections 
  F29271735: Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at 9.02.40 PM.png 
  will result that RC page disregards these options entirely 
   F29271742: Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at 9.03.19 PM.png 



To: Etonkovidova
Cc: Etonkovidova, JTannerWMF, Lydia_Pintscher, Ammarpad, Reedy, Patriccck, 
Urbanecm, Aklapper, darthmon_wmde, Premeditated, Nandana, kostajh, Jony, Lahi, 
Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, 
Taiwania_Justo, Jonas, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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