hoo added a comment.

  So I just looked into this a bit and sadly this is not a trivial change. 
First of all, I don't think we want to expose backlinks (as in 
Special:WhatLinksHere) as these don't have the semantics the use cases here 
call for (and using them still would probably lead to strange behavior in the 
long run). That's because these are just all links pointing to a page, no 
matter where these originate from: statement (main) values, reference values, 
qualifier values (and probably even more).
  What I //could// imagine would be to expose (something similar to) 
`haswbstatement` via Lua in the client, but only if we can reasonably assure 
the performance and uptime of the used backend (this is going to run on page 
render after all!). Combining that with restrictive usage limits (function can 
only be used n times per page), usage tracking, query result caching and 
potentially cache purging on changes (run the query ever once in a while to 
catch for changes?), might be a way to go here. But that's just a quick thought.



To: hoo
Cc: hoo, lucamauri, Mahir256, Njardarlogar, Townie, Uzume, Aklapper, Ghuron, 
darthmon_wmde, Dinadineke, DannyS712, Nandana, tabish.shaikh91, Lahi, Gq86, 
GoranSMilovanovic, Soteriaspace, Jayprakash12345, JakeTheDeveloper, QZanden, 
merbst, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, Wikidata-bugs, aude, 
TheDJ, Mbch331
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