thiemowmde added a comment.

  As far as I understand the situation, it is not considered "broken". Whatever 
the user does, they **must** check the preview to see if the date parsers guess 
is correct. This won't change, no matter how good the parsers guess is.
  But yes, it's absolutely possible to improve the parser even further. 
Unfortunately, I'm not actively working on this code any more myself.
  Personally, I like the idea of checking the users time zone, if they provided 
one in their preferences. This might sound strange. After all, the user is not 
copy-pasting dates that are about the user, right? They might paste from all 
kinds of sources, American and non-American. But: I believe this would still be 
tremendously helpful, because the experts behavior matches the users 
**expectation** much, much closer then. An American user is used to 9/7/2017 
becoming "September", while non-Americans are much more used to it becoming 
"July". Also, I believe we can safely assume that non-Americans user are more 
likely to paste dates from non-American sources. The amount of mistakes (e.g. 
when the user does **not** check the preview carefully) would be much lower 
this way, I feel.
  As a workaround it might be possible to create a gadget that kicks in when it 
detects an input with slashes and both numbers below 13, and asks which of the 
two possible interpretations the user wants. Such a gadget can be written by 
the community or by the Wikidata team as an opt-in feature for users who 
struggle with this.



To: thiemowmde
Cc: Tagishsimon, The_RedBurn, JAnD, Wikidata-bugs, gerritbot, Agabi10, He7d3r, 
matej_suchanek, Liuxinyu970226, PokestarFan, Lea_Lacroix_WMDE, daniel, 
Lydia_Pintscher, thiemowmde, Izno, Aklapper, agray, darthmon_wmde, Nandana, 
Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, 
Scott_WUaS, aude, Mbch331
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