Multichill added subscribers: Tnegrin, Multichill.
Multichill added a comment.

  In T221921#5960210 <>, 
@Gehel wrote:
  > Some of the use cases described here are already supported by search 
(wbstatement keywords, etc...). We are not going to work on a new SPARQL 
endpoint before we have a scaling strategy for the current WDQS. It looks like 
the remaining use cases described here might be better served not by a SPARQL 
endpoint, but by a more specific service.
  Not providing the promised SPARQL endpoint for Structured data on Commons is 
effectively pulling the plug on the whole project. You would effectively kill 
it because the volunteers who are currently investing quite a bit of time on 
getting the data in, would walk away. What is the point of converting data if I 
can't get it out? How do I make the maps, the timelines, the bubble graphs, the 
recently added photos in my area and countless of other things? The SPARQL 
endpoint offers at least two things the current search doesn't have:
  1. Going through the tree. With search I can only do one level (P180 
<>->something), not multiple (P180 
  2. Table based and visual representations. The SPARQL endpoint at offers a whole range of ways to output the data.
  What's the timeline for this? This task is almost a year old with state "as 
soon as possible".



To: Multichill
Cc: Multichill, Tnegrin, Abbe98, Marsupium, Tpt, Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, 
dcausse, EBernhardson, Jheald, Gehel, Abit, MarkTraceur, Cparle, Ramsey-WMF, 
Smalyshev, Aklapper, Nuria, CBogen, darthmon_wmde, Nandana, JKSTNK, Lahi, 
PDrouin-WMF, Gq86, E1presidente, Anooprao, SandraF_WMF, GoranSMilovanovic, 
QZanden, EBjune, Tramullas, Acer, merbst, LawExplorer, Salgo60, Silverfish, 
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Steinsplitter, Mbch331, Keegan
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