Tonina_Zhelyazkova_WMDE added a comment.

  In T257057#6285500 <>, 
@Sarai-WMDE wrote:
  > Sorry, I'm only reading these comments now. My inbox is swamped.
  >> would that be for border colors only, or for all presentations of colors?
  > Borders only. It visually supports the tokens semantics
  >> does "rather than to the background of the presenter" (emphasis mine) mean 
that the background should not be colored (how ever that would look like)?
  > I thought that the default bg color of the ColorItem in Storybook would be 
white, but it seems to be transparent. That transparent bg, againts the 
alternating gray rows in our tables, may cause the border colors to be less 
visible (or entirely disappear, like "border-color-neutral-quiet-hover") due to 
low contrast. On that basis, and to unify the appearance of these presenters, I 
would suggest applying a white background to this component if possible.
  >> if the border is in the color of the token value, how do we solve the 
problem of tokens holding the same color as the background of the pages (e.g. 
"white on white")? Relying on the box-shadow only?
  > There's one token specifying a white background at the moment, but that is 
actually a mistake (I will submit a correction asap). In case a token for a 
white border is added in the future (could be possible), I would say that we 
can rely on the name and the box-shadow to correctly support the visualization 
of this instance. I understand the contradiction with regard to the previous 
point, but gray borders are already present and are more numerous (many 
different values).



To: Tonina_Zhelyazkova_WMDE
Cc: Aklapper, Sarai-WMDE, Jakob_WMDE, Tonina_Zhelyazkova_WMDE, Pablo-WMDE, 
Akuckartz, darthmon_wmde, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, 
LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, Volker_E, Wikidata-bugs, aude, 
Lydia_Pintscher, Mbch331
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