GoranSMilovanovic added a comment.

  > for English for example the number of descriptions and the number of labels 
seem identical for some of the last values I checked. And then there is a very 
very steep decline for the last value. That seems suspicious.
  That is true. I need to check for this. What might be the case is that my 
dashboard update used the `wmf.wikidata_entity` Hive table - which is really an 
hdfs version of our JSON dumps - while the table update itself was not 
completed yet. But this I need to check empirically.
  > for Aliases: I assume it's counting two aliases on the same Item in the 
same language as two and not one? Just making sure.
  Hm, hopefully yes. That depends upon the structure of the `aliases` field in 
the `wmf.wikidata_entity` table: I will check on some particular item which has 
two aliases in the same language.
  > We probably want to shows graphs in the order "labels, descriptions, 
aliases" to follow what we have in the UI on Wikidata as well as have the more 
important things first.
  Ok. That can be taken care of quickly - let me please just make sure the data 
related problems are solved first.
  > For labels and descriptions it might be useful to see the global change in 
numbers relative to the growth of the number of Items as well. Basically to 
answer if we are getting better or worse when it comes to the average number of 
labels or descriptions per Item.
  I would suggest to calculate the following proportions and have them all 
presented at the dashboad:
  - number of labels in a particular language / number of items in Wikidata
  - number of aliases in a particular language / number of items in Wikidata
  - number of descriptions in a particular language / number of items in 
  and then also include (a) the average number of labels per item, (b) the 
average number of aliases per item, and (c) the average number of descriptions 
per item - but I am not sure if we need (a), (b), (c) also calculated per 
language? Let me know what you think.



To: GoranSMilovanovic
Cc: Mahir256, Nuria, Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, Ladsgroup, Bugreporter, 
WMDE-leszek, Ivanhercaz, Lydia_Pintscher, GoranSMilovanovic, gerritbot, 
Addshore, Sjoerddebruin, Aklapper, Alter-paule, Beast1978, Un1tY, Akuckartz, 
Hook696, darthmon_wmde, Kent7301, joker88john, CucyNoiD, Nandana, Gaboe420, 
Giuliamocci, Cpaulf30, Lahi, Gq86, Af420, Bsandipan, QZanden, LawExplorer, 
Lewizho99, Maathavan, _jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, Wikidata-bugs, aude, 
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