Zbyszko added a comment.

  First M-entity mentioned in the ticket was missing because there was a bug 
with weekly reloads, that has now been fixed - entries added before the reload 
should be available.
  As for the second part of the ticket  - sdc has uri encoded contentUrl 
(although apparently MD5 is calculated from decoded filename). I modified the 
query to match that fact:
    SELECT (COUNT (DISTINCT ?image) AS ?images) (COUNT(DISTINCT ?file) AS 
      SELECT ?image ?contentUrl
        SERVICE <https://query.wikidata.org/sparql>
          ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5153359 .
          ?item wdt:P18 ?image .
        BIND (REPLACE(wikibase:decodeUri(SUBSTR(STR(?image), 52)), " ", "_") AS 
        BIND (REPLACE(SUBSTR(STR(?image), 52), "%20", "_") AS 
        BIND (MD5(?filename) AS ?MD5)
        BIND (URI(CONCAT("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/";,
                         SUBSTR(?MD5, 1, 1), "/", SUBSTR(?MD5, 1, 2), "/", 
?filenameUnencoded)) As ?contentUrl)
    } AS %get_some_images_from_Wikidata
      INCLUDE %get_some_images_from_Wikidata     
      OPTIONAL { ?file schema:contentUrl ?contentUrl . }
  This yields (at the time of writing):
  | images | files |
  | ------ | ----- |
  | 6326   | 6318  |
  Which leaves 8 unaccounted for.  Out of those, 7 do not have structured data 
defined and last one has a new structured data content, so possibly it wasn't 
present in the latest dump we reload from.
  Please, let me know if this resolves the issue.



To: Zbyszko
Cc: CBogen, Lydia_Pintscher, Vojtech.dostal, Dipsacus_fullonum, Aklapper, 
GFontenelle_WMF, MPhamWMF, FRomeo_WMF, Muchiri124, Nintendofan885, Akuckartz, 
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