Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment.

  I would say that MediaWiki export and import, or SQL dumps, are a better way 
to migrate data between Wikibase instances than some Wikibase-specific 
features. Both of these should also preserve the edit history. (Wikibase 
doesn’t allow import of entities by default, but there seems to be an 
`allowEntityImport` setting that can be set to allow it, though I confess I 
haven’t tried it.) Have you tried MediaWiki’s XML export/import, or experienced 
problems with it?
  > I am not excited about MySQL dumps as the interchange format, because I 
worry that it ties the dump to a specific version of Wikibase - say I have a 
dump of my wikibase from running 1.34, but WBStack is running Wikibase 1.36 - 
will I be able to import my backup into WBstack? Does a hosted provider really 
want to import sites using MySQL dumps?
  Since MediaWiki supports updating from older versions (within limits: see 
T259771 <>), I assume newer 
MediaWiki+Wikibase versions can deal with SQL dumps produced by older versions. 
(Probably not the other way around, though.) That said, I haven’t tried this 
myself. (However, I know for certain that Wikibase is able to read page 
//content// that uses older serialization formats – after all, we still have 
such revisions in Wikidata.)



To: Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE
Cc: Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, Addshore, Samantha_Alipio_WMDE, erik_s_paulson, 
Aklapper, Invadibot, maantietaja, Akuckartz, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, 
GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, 
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