Nikki created this task.
Nikki added a project: Wikidata.
Restricted Application added subscribers: Masumrezarock100, Aklapper.

  People often need to use the desktop site on mobile devices, e.g. because 
it's not possible to edit statements on the mobile site (see T95878 
<>), because Wikimedia's mobile sites 
are missing most of the links available on the desktop sites, because most 
gadgets are not designed for Minerva, etc.
  Wikidata's CSS currently contains things which make the desktop site very 
difficult to use on narrower screens. Some adjustments, e.g. to use media 
queries to selectively apply styles, could make the desktop site much better on 
narrower screens.
  Some specific issues:
  1. The sitelink sections are a fixed width, which causes horizontal scrolling
  2. The property labels take up a lot of horizontal space
  3. The edit toolbars are a fixed width, which causes the statement 
values/input fields to be too narrow
  4. The sidebar can't be hidden in the Vector skin, which takes up a lot of 
horizontal space
  5. The Vector and Vector 2022 skins are not responsive/mobile-friendly, which 
causes the page to be zoomed out
  `.wikibase-sitelinkgroupview` currently has `width: 30em`. Changing that to 
the following seems to behave the same on wider screens while not causing 
horizontal scrolling on narrower screens:
    .wikibase-sitelinkgroupview {
        max-width: 30em;
        width: 100%;
  2 and 3:
  Property labels could be shown above the list of statements (similar to what 
the mobile site does) when the page width is below a certain width.
  The rest of the statement section could use media queries and/or CSS grids to 
adjust the layout.
  The first section of has 
some CSS to display the property labels above the list of statements, the third 
section adjusts the layout of statements to be more usable (although not very 
pretty) on a narrower screen.
  It's not designed for narrower screens but CSS grids are also used by (the grid 
styles are in
  4 and 5:
  Minerva, Timeless and Monobook all already work fine and Vector 2022 
explicitly does not support narrower screens (link 
 so the following is specific to Vector:
  - Adding `<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, 
initial-scale=1">` would stop it from zooming out by default.
  - A sidebar toggle could be added. The Translate extension already has one 
(see Special:Translate <>) which 
could be reused or adapted.
  - Making the sidebar overlay the content (by removing the margin which is 
reserved for it) would make the menus/tabs display better.
  - The "Read" tab could be hidden to save space, since it's the same as the 
first tab.
  Example: (which also 
  This could be changed using a gadget specific to Wikidata or changed in the 
Wikibase extension (like the Translate extension does) so other Wikibases can 
benefit too.



To: Nikki
Cc: Aklapper, Nikki, Masumrezarock100, Astuthiodit_1, karapayneWMDE, Invadibot, 
maantietaja, ItamarWMDE, Akuckartz, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, 
QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, Wikidata-bugs, aude, 
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