ItamarWMDE added a comment.

  In T328149#9030965 <>, 
@noarave wrote:
  > @Sarai-WMDE it's difficult to tell from the figma if the mobile version of 
the auth-widget has both items (username and logout button) aligned to the left 
or if they are to be aligned to opposite ends of the container in small 
screens. I implemented it according to the latter, which means with my 
(shorter) username it appears like this:
  > F37144504: Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 13-58-41 Mismatch Finder.png 
  > If the former is preferred it requires getting rid of the `justify-content` 
rule in the media query of the  `.auth-widget` class in `AuthWidget.vue`. 
(specifying as I probably won't be around to change it myself.)
  Since this does not relate to the language selector per se, I'd say this is 
out of scope for this task. If indeed the auth widget is not correctly aligned 
it should be addressed in it's own bug task.



To: ItamarWMDE
Cc: noarave, Michael, ItamarWMDE, Sarai-WMDE, Arian_Bozorg, Aklapper, 
Astuthiodit_1, karapayneWMDE, Invadibot, maantietaja, Mattia_Capozzi_WMDE, 
Akuckartz, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, 
_jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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