So9q added a comment.

  In T291903#7739739 <>, 
@Hannah_Bast wrote:
  > To add to this, the two-index approach has another rather beautiful 
  > 1. It is important to understand that real-time updates have an inherent 
price. An engine that supports real-time updates can never be as fast as a 
read-only engine. But with the approach outlined in 
we kind of get the best of both worlds:
  > 2. Combining the two indexes gives you full SPARQL 1.1 Update capability. 
There is an unavoidable penalty in runtime, but if the amount of updates is 
small relative to the size of the data already there (for Wikidata, we are 
talking millions of updates in a day vs. billions of triples already in the 
database), the penalty is relatively small.
  > 3. But you can also choose to only ask the large index. Than you get 
results on a snapshot of the data from a certain (known) date that lies up to 
24 hours in the past. But you get the result with maximum speed.
  > 4. Since the approach naturally enables this choice for each individual 
query, every user can decide on the trade-off for themselves for each query.
  I really like this! I look forward to this. :)



To: Gehel, So9q
Cc: Gehel, WolfgangFahl, JohannesKalmbach, nguyenm9, AndySeaborne, DD063520, 
Justin0x2004, Hannah_Bast, So9q, Aklapper, Danny_Benjafield_WMDE, 
Astuthiodit_1, AWesterinen, karapayneWMDE, Invadibot, maantietaja, ItamarWMDE, 
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GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, EBjune, KimKelting, merbst, LawExplorer, _jensen, 
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