tstarling added a comment.

  This happened because your talk page uses {{cite Q}}. It cites the Wikidata 
item that was changed.
  Wikidata item list from the edit page:
  F41990390: wb dcheney.png <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/F41990390>
    Might you have time and interest in helping me recruit between, say, two 
and four people, including yourself, to be interviewed for <!-- Radio Active 
Magazine-->{{cite Q|Q57451712}}, which is broadcasted Tuesday evenings, 6-6:30 
PM on [[KKFI]]? 
  DB contents:
    MariaDB [enwiki]> select * from recentchanges where rc_source='wb' and 
rc_timestamp like '20240217%' and rc_params like '%Q57451712%'\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
            rc_id: 1743604758
     rc_timestamp: 20240217161414
         rc_actor: 215708414
     rc_namespace: 3
         rc_title: Dcheney
    rc_comment_id: 462661687
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        rc_cur_id: 2683797
    rc_this_oldid: 1187191193
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        rc_source: wb
     rc_patrolled: 2
       rc_old_len: 12592
       rc_new_len: 12592
       rc_deleted: 0
         rc_logid: 0
      rc_log_type: NULL
 wbsetqualifier-add:1| */ [[Property:P2701]]: [[Q45432]], 
    MariaDB [enwiki]> select * from wbc_entity_usage where eu_page_id=2683797;
    | eu_row_id | eu_entity_id | eu_aspect | eu_page_id |
    | 110258265 | Q1058342     | O         |    2683797 |
    | 110258266 | Q1058342     | L.en      |    2683797 |
    | 229267246 | Q106864469   | T         |    2683797 |
    | 229267247 | Q106864469   | L.en      |    2683797 |
    | 110258267 | Q18126338    | O         |    2683797 |
    | 110258268 | Q18126338    | L.en      |    2683797 |
    |  94051069 | Q4233718     | L.en      |    2683797 |
    |  94051070 | Q57451712    | C         |    2683797 |
    |  94051071 | Q57451712    | O         |    2683797 |
    |  94051072 | Q6331837     | T         |    2683797 |
    |  94051073 | Q6331837     | L.en      |    2683797 |
    | 229267245 | Q7976        | C.P424    |    2683797 |



To: tstarling
Cc: tstarling, Aklapper, Dcheney, caldera, GhostInTheMachine, NavinRizwi, 
ItamarWMDE, Akuckartz, DannyS712, lucamauri, Nattes, Taiwania_Justo, 
Wikidata-bugs, geraki, Ltrlg
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