Aklapper added a comment.

In https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T95932#1351044, @ksmith wrote:

> @AKlapper: I think I would actually like fancier rules than what are in this 
> task description. Can you and I have a real-time discussion

@ksmith: Feel free to ping me on IRC.

> to make sure I understand what is possible

See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T630#1131896 for what's possible (linked 
from the Help 

> and would make sense in this case?


> I'm thinking:


> 1. Any time a task is added to any of these [...] projects, also add it to 
> that project.

Done now via https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/herald/rule/33/; see my comment 

> 2. Any time a task is added to this column of this project, also add it to 
> that project. (for 5 columns/projects)

Not sure I get you. A task being in column X of project Y requires the task to 
be associated with project Y already, so that sounds like 1. to me.
But maybe you mean T91716: Mechanism for associating workboard columns with 
tags (projects) <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T91716>?

In any case, Herald does not allow column-based rules currently.

> I don't think it makes sense to automatically remove projects in either 
> direction, but am open to that possibility as well.

Just for the records, removing projects via Herald rules is possible since a 
few weeks ago.



To: Aklapper
Cc: Qgil, greg, Legoktm, Smalyshev, ksmith, EBernhardson, Aklapper, 
Manybubbles, jkroll, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, daniel, JanZerebecki, 

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