JanZerebecki added a comment.

Copy of the etherpad:

  (missing start of talk, a minute or so)
  Step 4: CI job that automatically triggers after changes to core or ext
  * run composer update and push changes
  Step 5: Update BC from steps 3-4
  Are these sufficient examples? Can people imagine difficulties?
  * If files are added to vendor, how do we deal with this in code 
review/security patches?
  ** Deployed as a security patch
  * We would keep this strategy, no automatic composer run
  Questions about the RfC in general?
  * Bryan: one of the issues we got to when discussing this last was which use 
case is being optimized
  * Relying on GPG tags for repos doesn't cover many vendor things
  ** System that Jan is proposing is a Debian style web of trust to composer 
usage where we rely on GPG hashes to authenticate code
  ** For composer things that aren't in that web of trust there would need to 
be a legacy system. Maybe run mirrors. Is that least sane?
  ** There's an inherent problem with trust if you're downloading vendor 
packages (?) If we want to make sure we're only using code we intended to, we 
need to sign it
  * Is there an open upstream issue for this?
  ** Basic sentiment is that composer is not designed to support
  ** all issues regarding verification/authentication of packages are lumped 
  *** a lot of ideas and no direction
  *** Some like Jan have given a proof of concept but it went nowhere
  ** Not a lot of interest upstream
  There are components already that are signed
  * e.g. phpunit
  We would need to sign some vendor components but most are ours already
  Can we just run some proxy for upstream components?
  * Same problems with verification
  What do you do now?
  * I don't update vendor.
  Main driver use case is WikiData/WikiBase
  * double code review problems
  Problem with moving to composer components is the overhead of more work
  * much easier to develop a new MW ext than to create a component
  * making this easier is key to adopting new conventions
  Counter-proposal was drop GPG
  * From security perspective would be insufficient. Jan wouldn't want to 
advertise this solution
  Was proposal to start doing tag signing? What?
  * Automate vendor updates using signed git tags, modifying composer
  ** control of keys etc.
  * Would it bea Jenkins job? Yes, updates to core or anything that has 
  ** Possibly before BC deployment
  There are packages we don't control and fundamental rewrite of composer
  * It's not a total rewrite. There are a few places to change to support this 
(around finishing of download; introduce verification)
  ** There are problems current with the implementation of verification in 
composer (succeeds when it shouldn't)
  Getting support into composer is hardest part but signing should be easier
  * Signing might be easier for repos we control but not 3rd parties
  * We can trust 3rd party keys or make clone (mirror) of repos and add signing 
following security review
  * e.g., phpunit
  ** on WMF servers we'd maintain clone of source repo
  ** sign it ourselves (after review?)
  ** in MW vendors composer.json use stanza for copying it from our mirror
  We could package?
  ** When debian packager packages something (e.g. phpunit), where do they get 
the code form?
  *** Disconnect. You can verify at the point of installation once or have to 
verify it every time. Verifying every time has more potential for 
man-in-the-middle attacks
  We have these same problems for NPM modules in *oids
  * You find crazy things like libssl in vendor
  Python/pip as well.
  * Verification isn't required unless you tell it
  In packaging (Debian for example)
  * Every package you install has been verified
  ** Biggest problems are that packages are old, or don't exist
  Jan is trying to solve WMF specific problem
  * What does he need? 
  ** Someone to build it.
  From security perspective, what are you solving?
  * Attack vector?
  * Requiring HTTPS and checking validity of cert is a start
  * Verifying packages is a step further. Requires more work in signing
  * Starting with a patched version of composer that requires HTTPS
  Tags are a terrible thing to trust. Trust only SHA1s
  For everything you're going to pull in from composer, fork/mirror



To: JanZerebecki
Cc: MoritzMuehlenhoff, dduvall, Tgr, mobrovac, GWicke, Addshore, Qgil, Spage, 
greg, tstarling, aude, hoo, daniel, zeljkofilipin, thcipriani, mmodell, bd808, 
csteipp, Legoktm, Krinkle, hashar, JanZerebecki, Aklapper, Lynhg, 
Wikidata-bugs, Malyacko, jayvdb, Mbch331, Jay8g, Ltrlg, Krenair

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