Spinster added a comment.

I’m not going to the hackathon but will be there on Wednesday and would love to attend this.

I'm not a programmer. I’m able to take existing queries and modify them a bit. I'm also able to build WDQ queries and then use the converter. Would like to learn to build SPARQL queries from scratch.

Haven’t been able to figure out the scenarios and questions below, though, and would like to learn this (if it is doable via Wikidata’s SPARQL engine):

  • Give me all the paintings that are depicted in https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q17337965 and put them on a map - this should be retrieved via the coordinates of their collections
  • Give me all the artworks in one art collection + all their inventory numbers + the reference URLs in the references for the inventory numbers (that last part is something I can’t do yet)
  • Give me all the artists who are creators of artworks of one art collection, show each artist only once, and put them on a map based on their birth date
  • I’d like to see an interesting and working use case for the Graph and the Dimensions display mode
  • Is it possible to generate a graph visualization of 8 different art collections and their connected artists (so that you see which artists are represented in multiple collections)?
  • I'd like to work with pagepiles and/or with sets of handpicked Wikidata items, but have a hunch that this is not possible, is this correct? If it is possible, how to do it?



To: Spinster
Cc: Legoktm, Smalyshev, Kghbln, Base, Lydia_Pintscher, Lucie, Spinster, Aklapper, Multichill, Zppix, Avner, debt, Gehel, D3r1ck01, Jonas, FloNight, Izno, Psychoslave, jkroll, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, Deskana, Manybubbles, Mbch331
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