Tobi_WMDE_SW added a comment.

I quickly had a look and it seems there are several reasons this is not working as expected:

  • there are some random failures each run. It seems that in almost all cases the page failed to load the _javascript_ and thus not showing the "add statement" button within 10 seconds. I have no clue right now what we could do about it, but need to investigate it further.
  • I also saw one "502 Bad Gateway" error. That's also nothing we can influence AFAIK.
  • Some days ago there were sitelinks tests failing constantly (at least 7 days in a row) - I figured out that was due to us changing something about the DOM or CSS classes and adjusting the browsertests accordingly but the problem was, the changes were not deployed to yet. Jenkins tries to figure out the correct branch to checkout but failed to do so in that case because there was no Wikibase branch that matched the latest Mediawiki branch - so it was falling back to master and thus ran the updated set of browsertests on an old version of the Website. The tests are passing again since was updated but the underlying issue still exists.
  • Currently there are some badges-tests failing constantly, haven't figured out why yet but will have a look.



To: Tobi_WMDE_SW
Cc: Lydia_Pintscher, Jonas, daniel, aude, Tobi_WMDE_SW, Aklapper, hoo, D3r1ck01, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, zeljkofilipin, Mbch331, greg
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