daniel edited the task description. (Show Details)

** A new factory of s, ServicesMapFactory, should be created for providing list of service instances for creating dispatching services to DirectSqlStormaps of service instances for each service name. DirectSqlStore will for now use these service maps to create the dispatching service instance for each service name.
* This factory would have a public interface partly reminding the one of ServiceContainer, ie. it would have a generic method getServiceMap (name is subject to change) returning a map in form [ repoName => service ] of services configured for particular repository. It could also have convenience getters for particular services [probably not needed, It could also have convenience getters for particular servicessince this class is used only from inside DirectSqlStore].
* the* This factory class would have a requiredhas access to configuration of each foreign repositoriesy (what repos are configured, what are DB names, URLs etc).
* ServiceMapFactory will know one ServiceContainer for each repo. * there should be class extending SWhen asked for the serviceContainer that will be returning alle map for services for a single repository.e "foo", Thisit will container will use wirstruct the map by asking file instantiating actualeach service container for the service classes"foo".
* The ServiceContainer container will use a wiring file for instantiating the per-repo services. * ServiceMapFactory would use a RepositoryServiceContainer for each repo to generate a service mapThe instantiator functions in the wiring file need access to the configuration setting describing the target repository.

Implementation notes:
* in the long run, WikibaseClient should also become a ServiceContainer but this is something which out of scope of this task



To: WMDE-leszek, daniel
Cc: Jakob_WMDE, gerritbot, daniel, WMDE-leszek, Aklapper, Ramalepe, Liugev6, Lewizho99, Maathavan, D3r1ck01, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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