daniel created this task.
daniel added projects: Wikidata, ArchCom-RfC (ArchCom-Approved), Wikimedia-Apache-configuration.


Wikimedia is managing a growing amount of machine readable data as wiki page content. The latest addition is the Data namespace on commons, which hosts tabular data like Data:Dolmens_of_the_Preseli_Hills.tab and geographic data like Data:Avignon_City_Wall.map.

There is currently no canonical URI/URL for referring to and retrieving these data sets.

Concrete need:
Wikidata can reference geo-shape data from the Data namespace on Commons. To represent such references in RDF, the data set needs a canonical URI. See T159517: [RFC] RDF mapping for geo-shape / URIs for commons data pages

Current solutions:

Proposed URIs for data:

Note that in contrast to Wikidata concept URIs, the above URIs identify descriptions (data), not the thing described by the data.

Also note that these would return the "internal" serialization of the data (with the appropriate MIME type in the response header). They do not support custom serialization or apply content negotiation.

Do we need to plan for supporting custom serialization and content negotiation? Is it sufficient to later add a query parameter to specify an alternative serialization?

Example: to get .tab data as CSV instead of JSON, one would use a URL like https://commons.wikimedia.org/data/Avignon_City_Wall.map?format=text/csv.

Note that specifying the format makes no sense for a "pure" URI, this is only relevant when resolving the URI as a URL and fetching the associated data.



To: daniel
Cc: Aklapper, Jonas, Smalyshev, mkroetzsch, Lydia_Pintscher, daniel, QZanden, D3r1ck01, Izno, suriyaa, Wikidata-bugs, aude, GWicke, jayvdb, Southparkfan, fbstj, RobLa-WMF, santhosh, Mbch331, Jay8g, Ltrlg, Glaisher, bd808, Krenair, Legoktm
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