daniel added a comment.

I checked for dewiktionary, and found 45 clashes. All the ones I checked are duplicates and should be fixed. Most seem to be Korean character transcription

mysql:wikiadmin@ [cognate_wiktionary]> SELECT a.cgti_raw, b.cgti_raw FROM cognate_titles as a   JOIN cognate_titles as b ON a.cgti_normalized_key = b.cgti_normalized_key   JOIN cognate_pages as p ON p.cgpa_title = a.cgti_raw_key      and p.cgpa_namespace = 0 and p.cgpa_site = -3742436511788647340   JOIN cognate_pages as q ON q.cgpa_title = b.cgti_raw_key      and q.cgpa_namespace = 0 and q.cgpa_site = -3742436511788647340 WHERE a.cgti_raw_key < b.cgti_raw_key
    -> ;
| cgti_raw       | cgti_raw      |
| pya           | p'ya          |
| ch'a           | cha          |
| ch’ŏ           | ch'ŏ          |
| ch’o           | ch'o          |
| p'ae           | p’ae          |
| yujach'a       | yujacha      |
| p'u            | p’u           |
| ch'e           | che          |
| pyo           | p'yo          |
| p'e            | pe           |
| ch'ŏl          | ch’ŏl         |
| ch’i           | ch'i          |
| p'urŭda        | p’urŭda       |
| mach’ŏllu      | mach'ŏllu     |
| ti            | t'i           |
| p'yŏ           | pyŏ          |
| ta            | t'a           |
| t'yu           | tyu          |
| ch’ŏngdong     | ch'ŏngdong    |
| p'yu           | pyu          |
| chae          | ch'ae         |
| ch'ŏng         | ch’ŏng        |
| po            | p'o           |
| ch’ŏldo        | ch'ŏldo       |
| p'wi           | p’wi          |
| ch’ŏlto        | ch'ŏlto       |
| p’ŏ            | p'ŏ           |
| t'u            | tu           |
| Saint_Johns   | Saint_John's  |
| p'oe           | poe          |
| t'o            | t’o           |
| p’a            | p'a           |
| ellibeit'ŏ     | ellibeit’ŏ    |
| t'anso         | tanso        |
| t'wi           | t’wi          |
| t'ae           | tae          |
| t'ŏ            | t’ŏ           |
| p'ŭ            | p’ŭ           |
| pi            | p'i           |
| ch’u           | ch'u          |
| t'ŭ            | t’ŭ           |
| kimch'i        | kimchi       |
| toe           | t'oe          |
| ch'ŭ           | ch’ŭ          |
| t'e            | te           |
45 rows in set (36.65 sec)



To: daniel
Cc: Addshore, Lydia_Pintscher, Lea_Lacroix_WMDE, Aklapper, daniel, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, Thibaut120094, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, GPHemsley, Darkdadaah, Mbch331, Krenair
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