akosiaris added a comment.

If the TTL isn’t too long (I saw a cap of 1 day in the puppet config, is that correct?), then normal expiry is probably enough.

It doesn't work like that. The time that request can be cached is determined by the headers the response sets. http://book.varnish-software.com/3.0/HTTP.html is a pretty interesting read if you 've never read it before. It's also a rabbithole (ableit not a very big one ;-). In absence of these (like in this case where only the Age header was set) it's not easy to deduce when the page is going to be removed from all existing caches (some of which we don't really control, like the browser cache)

Anyway, I 've purged the caches in order to resolve this faster instead of waiting it out. For the interested the commands were (in that sequence)

varnishadm  ban "obj.status == 301 && req.http.host ~ commons.wikimedia.org"
varnishadm -n frontend  ban "obj.status == 301 && req.http.host ~ commons.wikimedia.org"

Do remember to force refresh to test it as your browser probably has the result cached as well.



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