Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment.

One thing I’ve just realized (not sure if it was discussed somewhere before): editing a “URI used in RDF” statement on a property invalidates all wdtn:/psn:/pqn:/prn: triples for that property, across all entities. I can’t think of any other kind of edit that would currently cause such a change immediately (since unit conversions aren’t directly based on the live data). Do we have any architecture to deal with this (purge affected Special:EntityData/*.ttl pages from Varnish, reload affected entities in the query service, possibly more I can’t think of right now)?

And is this a big problem? After all, I suppose these URIs should be fairly stable.



To: daniel, Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE
Cc: Pigsonthewing, mkroetzsch, Denny, Ladsgroup, Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, Jonas, Esc3300, abian, gerritbot, Lydia_Pintscher, Aklapper, daniel, hoo, thiemowmde, JanZerebecki, aude, Ricordisamoa, Micru, Sannita, Laddo, Smalyshev, Tobi_WMDE_SW, Bugreporter, Lahi, Lordiis, GoranSMilovanovic, Adik2382, Th3d3v1ls, Ramalepe, Liugev6, QZanden, Lewizho99, Maathavan, Wikidata-bugs, Mbch331
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