"Bináris" <wikipo...@gmail.com> schrieb:

>2013/1/28 Amir Ladsgroup <ladsgr...@gmail.com>
>> What is exact time of the next deployment (it and he)?
>If you want to catch it, join #wikimedia-wikidata on IRC. It was great
>follow it on D-day!
>> And what time you think is best to disable interwiki bots?
>Xqt can modify the code, but pywiki is not deployed, it is updated by
>owners, so there is no chance to focus it on one hour. For this reason
>would say to begin it after deployment of Wikibase as otherwise one
>do it at least 1 or 2 days before which would cause a maintenance
>Yes, people will try to remove iws and some of them will be put back by

Would it also make sense to write a bot putting the remaining iws to wikidata 
and rmoving them from the wiki if they can be replaced by them from wikidata?


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