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On Nov 2, 2017 5:40 PM, "Stas Malyshev" <> wrote:


> When showing labels from fallback languages we do have little language
> indicators in other places. I believe we should have this here as

Makes sense. I'll look into how to get those. Is language code OK or we
need full language name (uk vs. Ukrainian)?

One thing to note here is that secondary languages have no order - i.e.
if you look in German, and there's no matching German label, but there
are 10 other language labels all the same (happens a lot for names &
places), which language will be selected is anybody's guess. We could
add rule that says "look at English as secondary first", in theory, but
not sure whether we should - after all, besides having most languages,
(and us speaking it :) there's not much special about it.

> I'm slightly leaning toward showing both.


> I'd say in this case we could get rid of the word/byte count. To get a
> good glimpse of the quality of the item I'd say we'd want to show
> count of statements (excluding identifier statements), identifiers and
> sitelinks.

OK, I'll try to make this.

>> 5. Display format for Wikidata and for other wikipedia sites is
>> Wikpedia:
>> Title
>> Snippet
>> Wikidata:
>> Title: Description
>> I.e. Wikipedia puts title on a separate line, while Wikidata keeps it on
>> the same line, separated by colon. Is there any reason for this
>> difference? Do we want to go back to the common format?
> Not sure if we had a reason tbh.

OK then, I'll feel free to shuffle things around then :) Having more
freedom in the title line is good because we can then display both label
& aliases.

Stas Malyshev

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