
> This query shows all things owned by National Trust, with English label,
> description, and coordinates (where available):
> http://tinyurl.com/ntpx8qf
> Click "execute" to run it. There are ways to get this result in
> different formats (not embedded in HTML) but I don't find this right now.

If you just want the results and not the GUI, you can ask the endpoint

(this is
https://wdqs-beta.wmflabs.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql?query= and
then SPARQL, URL-encoded).

If you want it in JSON, you'll need to add header:

(not easy to do from browser, unfortunately, unless you use tool like
Postman in Chrome) - otherwise you'll get the default XML.
That's the endpoint that the GUI is using, proceeding then to parse the
result and present them in more human-friendly form.

> other one (30k still worked for me, while the WMF experimental endpoint
> currently times out even at 10k -- the service is running on a virtual
> machine that is not very powerful right now; this will change soon). The

Yes, this service has 30 seconds cap currently, so if the query takes
longer, sorry :) The cap of course rill be raised significantly (and
also performance would be better) once we get it to production.
Stas Malyshev

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