
> here's a query to find multiple humans with nationality:Greece that have
> the same day of birth and day of death:
>   http://tinyurl.com/ow6lpen
> It produces one pair, and executes in about 0.6 seconds.
> Here's a query to try to add item numbers and labels to the previous
> search:
>   http://tinyurl.com/ovjwzc9
> It *just* completes, taking just over 60 seconds to execute.

It looks like some issue with nested queries in Blazegraph, I've sent a
report to them and will see what they say.

> Obviously the second query as written at the moment involves a
> sub-query, which inevitably must make it a bit slower -- but given the
> solution set of the sub-query only has two rows, and an exact date for a
> given property ought to be a fairly quick key to look up, why is the
> second query taking 100 times longer than the first ?

Yes, in theory it should be fast, so I suspect some kind of bug.
Stas Malyshev

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