On 14.02.2016 16:04, Hay (Husky) wrote:
On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 3:53 PM, Jane Darnell <jane...@gmail.com> wrote:
Now I suddenly understand why we should have "properties for properties"  so
we can categorize these things. It would be nice to have a list of
"authority control"  properties and also the number of times a property is
You can already do that in propbrowse. Just filter for 'unique
identifier' and you'll get all properties that are an instance of
Q19847637 (Wikidata property representing a unique identifier).

Considering number of times a property is used:i think that would be
really interesting. Unfortunately, i don't know of a way to easily get
a count of how many times a property is used. The 'linkshere'
functionality in the API doesn't give a count.

Filtering by usage count is something we already have in Miga. For example, here is a list of authority control properties that are used at least 1000 times on Wikidata:


Currently requires Google Chrome or Opera to view. We are about to reimplement this application completely to make it use live data and be compatible with all browsers. Should be ready later this month.

Regarding the data source, we will use a mix of live data and cached precomputed data for more expensive statistics that you cannot query for every second.


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