
> I'm late to the game, but a quick look into the nginx logs does not
> show all that much. I see a few connection refused, but that should
> translate in an HTTP 502 error, not in a partial answer.
> I'm really not good at reading VCL, but it seems that we do have some
> rules in our Varnish config to cache pages in error. This would make
> sense as pages in error tend to be expensive, so we probably want to
> ensure the same error is capped at a maximum rate.

Note that if page produced some data and then timed out - which is
possible for Blazegraph queries - then by the time the error happens
part of the response has been sent already, so there's no way to set
error http code etc. Thus such responses are not distinguishable from
valid replies, at least not without looking into the content.

Stas Malyshev

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